How do I obtain a “stay” of the divorce court judge’s decision?

Find out the first step in the process of obtaining a “stay” of the divorce court judge’s decision in Florida Family Law Court.

What is the process of obtaining a “stay” of the divorce court judge’s decision?

The first step in the process is filing a motion and having a hearing in front of the trial judge asking for the judge to agree all or parts of their decision will not take effect until the appellate court case is over. 

If the judge denies (or grants) the stay order, there is a process for having the appellate court review the order denying (or granting) the stay order.  More information on how to initiate appellate review of an order granting/denying a stay order is here:  How do I appeal the trial court’s decision on a request for a stay during the appeal? [NOTE: LINK TO SECTION BELOW]

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